Outside/Walking Therapy

 Some of our best healing happens when we’re outside, moving our bodies. There’s something about the combination of fresh air, movement, and being more connected to the outside world that can lend to an easier time untangling our thoughts, letting go of tension, cleansing our psyches and filling our hearts. There’s also something powerful about walking together on whatever path lies before us. Prefer to sit and be still in nature? Let’s talk! There’s so many ways being outside in nature can be part of therapy.

Interested? Let’s discuss what works best for your individual needs. We have a few different areas and paths picked out which allow for a flatter and easier stroll to slightly more rigorous and private trails with less potential for interruption. All include options for sitting. We can do some or all of our appointments outside.

 Weather and health are, of course, variables. If it’s just too cold or raining sideways, we can touch base before our appointment and plan to meet by telehealth instead. Likewise, if you’re not feeling well, please let us know so you can take yourself and reduce the possibility of spreading of Covid or other illness. We promise to do the same!

Not sure how you feel about walking therapy? Try it out. We can always return to telehealth!