Frequently Asked Questions

Is insurance an option?

Billing insurance companies is a complicated decision that has both pros and cons. At this time, we are not able to accept new insurance clients. However, your insurance may offer the option for you to submit “superbills” for reimbursement; see below.

Involving insurance means reduced privacy for our clients, limitations on the number of sessions we can have together, and outside input into the course of therapy. It also means a lot of our time and energy is spent on paperwork and haggling with corporations that may hold different values than our own. Leaving the bureaucracy of insurance companies out of the relationship means we have more time and energy to put into providing thoughtful and personalized attention to our clients. That said, if your insurance company provides out-of-network care options, you may be able to submit invoices for reimbursement for our sessions. When looking into this with your insurance company, be sure to ask if there is a deductible you must meet, and if there is a copay or percentage of the cost that you will be responsible for.

*We also do provide limited sliding scale spots and other free and low-cost opportunities for resources and support.

Do you see children for therapy?

At this time we are only able to provide therapy for adults and youth aged 12+. We are, however, attachment-focused therapists that are happy to support parents of children of any age, as well as other family members interested in navigating family dynamics.

Where will we meet?

All therapy and groups are currently held online, outside, or in well-ventilated community spaces (with proof of vaccination and masks required). We will send you a link to access online appointments or groups and you can use a computer or smart phone to join. We will discuss location for any in-person opportunities before your first meeting. *Any in-person support will always consider current Covid safety.

Please contact us to discuss in-person and online consultation, facilitation, and training requests.

Do you offer additional support outside of regularly scheduled appointments?

As a small practice, we have limited availability outside of scheduled appointments. There are several local and national programs which offer 24/7 emergency support, some of which are listed on both our home and resource pages. We will additionally work with clients during regular appointment times to develop and utilize other natural supports.

*If you are in need of more intensive support at this time, we would recommend seeking the support of a wrap-around or specialized program that has more staff availability, after hours support options, and different options for case management, groups etc. The local community mental health program which offers wrap-around support is Clatsop Behavioral Healthcare. There are additional programs available in other areas as well.

How often will we meet?

For Individual Therapy, we recommend meeting at least 2x per month to start. We will then consider frequency as we get to know each other better and you start seeing results. Most clients meet weekly or every other week.

Relationship therapy will vary depending upon needs of clients.

Groups will vary but most are weekly.

Do you offer recovery support?

Recovery is outside of our area of expertise. Some local options include Clatsop Behavioral Healthcare and Choices counseling.

Do you see people outside of the area?

We are happy to work with telehealth clients from other areas. Our licensing requires that all clients be Oregon residents and physically in the state at the time of appointments (relevant for telehealth appointments).

What if we already know each other or have people in common?

If we have a pre-existing relationship in the community, we will likely need to refer you to another resource in order to assure that your confidentiality is respected and you are able to get the best, least biased care possible. If you were referred by someone else we know, try us, and we will determine what makes most sense on a case by case basis! If you are a former client, please reach out to see about current availability.